Watch the full film here.
Featured in VICE and selected for the American Documentary Film Festival, this short documentary developed at 72andSunny's creative incubator 72U tells the story of an avant-garde street artist that creates fantastical cardboard and paper mache installations throughout Los Angeles. Narratively also commissioned a version of the film to be included in their select library of short documentaries.
Selected Press: Narratively, VICE, LAist, LA Observed, ABC7, Havoc, LA Taco, Colors in LA, Cartwheel Art, LA Weekly, Amadeus Magazine, Steam, We Are Moving Stories
Category: selected work, documentary, all work
Director/Editor: Matthew Kaundart
Producers: Luka Fisher & Matthew Kaundart
Co-Producers: Tim Grover, Tiffany Naiman & Ben Wiley
Creative Producers: Luka Fisher, Tim Grover, Alexis Justman, Matthew Kaundart, Anne Petrokubi, Amber Pietrzyk & Ben Wiley
Cinematography: Tim Grover & Young G. Kim
Original Music: James Regan
Sound Design: Andrew John Lee
Color: Chris Zeischegg
Additional Color: Young G. Kim
Design: Jeremy Frye & Farida Amar
72U Production Support: Maria Scileppi, Karen Oliveros & Jeremy Eichenbaum
Featuring: Calder Greenwood